Java vs. TypeScript

Olesya Miller
4 min readJun 27, 2023

Hello everyone! I’m very happy to announce that I am officially back on Medium writing my technical blog! I am very excited!

I have recently gotten exposed to Java for the first time, and today I’m going to write about the main differences between Java and TypeScript, since they are both strongly-typed languages.

TypeScript and Java are two popular programming languages that offer strong typing, which is a programming concept that enforces the use of specific data types in code. Both programming languages share similarities when it comes to typing, but there are also differences that set them apart. In this article, we will compare Java and TypeScript as strongly typed programming languages.

Java is an object-oriented programming language that has been around since the mid-1990s. It is known for its reliability, security, and platform independence, which means Java code can run on any device with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java is strongly typed, which means that the data types of variables used in the code must be declared explicitly. For instance, integers must be declared as “int,” and strings as “String.”

On the other hand, TypeScript is a relatively new programming language that was developed by Microsoft in 2012. Like Java, it is also strongly typed, but its syntax is closer to that of JavaScript. TypeScript compiles into JavaScript, making it ideal for web development. TypeScript allows developers to use features like classes and interfaces, which are not natively available in JavaScript.

In terms of typing, both Java and TypeScript offer the benefits of strong typing, such as catching errors at compile-time rather than runtime. However, TypeScript takes strong typing a step further by providing static typing, which is a feature that allows variables to have a specific type that cannot be changed, even at runtime.

Another difference between Java and TypeScript is their static or dynamic typing. Java’s typing system is strict, and the data type of objects cannot be changed once they are created. In contrast, TypeScript has a more flexible typing system, which allows for dynamic typing and type inference. Type inference is a feature that allows TypeScript to determine the data type of a variable based on the assigned value.

Furthermore, TypeScript offers additional features that Java does not provide, such as union types, which allow variables to have more than one type. This feature can be handy in situations where a variable can have different values, but the developer wants to enforce strong typing.

In conclusion, both Java and TypeScript are strongly typed programming languages that offer similar benefits to developers. However, TypeScript provides additional features, such as type inference and union types, that make it more flexible than Java.

Ultimately, developers should choose the language that suits their project’s requirements and personal preferences.

If the project requires a lot of dynamic and flexible coding, TypeScript could be the better option due to its additional features. On the other hand, Java might be a better option if the project requires more static and rigid coding with less focus on flexibility. Additionally, if the development team already has experience with Java, it may be easier for them to continue using this language rather than switching to TypeScript.

Overall, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each language and consider the specific needs of the project before making a decision. Both Java and TypeScript have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the decision should be based on what works best for the project’s goals and the development team’s abilities.

Here are some key considerations when deciding between Java and TypeScript:

Java Pros:

- Established language with numerous libraries and frameworks available

- Strong typing and object-oriented programming (OOP) support

- High performance and scalability

- Widely used in enterprise applications

Java Cons:

- Steep learning curve for beginners

- Requires a lot of boilerplate code

- Can be verbose and complex

- Not well-suited for small projects

TypeScript Pros:

- Builds on JavaScript with optional static typing for increased code reliability

- Strong support for OOP and functional programming approaches

- Interoperable with existing JavaScript code

- Easy to learn for developers familiar with JavaScript

TypeScript Cons:

- Smaller ecosystem of libraries and frameworks compared to Java

- Slower compile time than JavaScript

- Not as high-performing as Java for large-scale applications

- Requires additional build steps to transpile to JavaScript

In the end, the choice between Java and TypeScript will depend on factors such as project requirements, team experience, and personal preferences. It’s worth taking the time to evaluate both options and make an informed decision that will set the project up for success.

